
And you know.

When the things are starting to turn out the way you wanted to turn, everything just go to shit as soon as you move your head a little bit to the right and you take care of your own busy life, you don´t even blink for your friends, your coleages or your love.
When you are so tired of everyone and everything, of the past present and future you just don´t give a shit anymore, you lock yourself up above your soul trying to find the newest way in your life to move ahead in life.
Neither the past, the bad memories and the things that we did when you started the dialogue; or the present when everything it´s really fucked up and full of pride and hate; don´t seem to matter anymore.
You just become one ass mother fucker cynic who only cares about one things and the other things, the things that you longed so much for, you waited so long despite being a really impatient person although you always said you werent, just slowly vanish just before your eyes inside a vast world of sparks and wire and data...

The miracle of christmas you´ve gotta be kidding me.

I never wanted this to happen now but I guess that when you start to feel like you are reaching the boundaries, a little break is needed, but it´s so rough...so damn fucking rough...
Together all the pride all the jealousy and all the impatience blooms to the surface, just when you´re so close to achieve and have what non other person can give to you, (The person that you choose), all goes straight to shit.

Well maybe, I don´t really am a relationship kinda guy, maybe the only thing that I allow it to love me it´s music...
With that thing of my father and mother, one could say ¨Oh that type of stuff doesn´t worry me¨ when it´s a teenager, ´cause the teenager wants to be an adult, but the truth is that we all suffer, I mean, all those who had a broken home.
Well...mine was shattered, I can´t fully trust in anybody else than me since I was eleven.
I´m not like other persons, and I can assure it, I never told all my truth, of what my essence is composed, to anyone.
I was close, oh believe me, I was close.
But in the end I am just a vain and prideful pig who doesn´t care for anybody and doesn´t let anybody love him.
I was meant to be alone, at least, that´s what I´m feeling now, life is short...and so long.

Well, this goodbye letter it´s beginning to say a lot I should better stop here.
Goodbye everyone, hope to see you all well from down below the surface.

(It´s easier to write the things that you can´t when you don´t use your native tongue)

See ya Judge.

×Dmitri F. Woronov

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