El martes estaba pensando, que voy a hacer?
Ponerme escabio? nah
Tocar la viola? see
Estudiar? Nah, al menos no lo considero asi
Escuchar musica? SEEE
Componer? See un re grunge
Honrar a curdt cobain de alguna forma diciendo lo mucho que es para mi? Mas vale.
Kurt cobain para mi fue el que abrio las puertas de mi psicosis musical, todas las notas me persiguen y yo por mas que trate de escapar, siguen atrapandome.
El tenia una vision del mundo que era compartida por muchisimas personas, mas que la que el podria haberse imaginado, pero el fue el unico que podria haber expresado esa forma de ver el mundo de la forma en la cual lo hizo.
Justamente, cobain no solo creo un nuevo mundo musical, creo una nueva manera de ver el mundo, no se si para fortuna o desgracia, pero en mi caso es para fortuna.
La primera cancion que recuerdo haber escuchado despues del feliz cumpleaños, es smell like teen spirit.
Fue tipo...4 o 5 años, y recien a los 12 años la volvi a escuchar, puff, imaginate mi familia lo cerrada.
Pero kurt cobain con su musica y con su...inconformidad ante BASICAMENTE TODO (si ya se, peor que mina el) los cuales me dijeron: ¨No te conformes, rebelate, hace tu propio camino y vos fijate, trata de pensar claramente y de buscar siempre nuevas perspectivas dentro tuyo¨
Es casi como...en cierto punto...el cobain fuera la unica persona (aclarando muerta) que se preocupa por mi, antes y ahora, en realidad todavia no pienso que alguien se preocupe seriamente por mi, si no me hablarian de cosas que me interesan y se preocuparian por saber lo que pienso, asi que, solamente me enfoco en algo que yo tenia medio olvidado, lo cual era la comprension del grunge, si, kurt cobain era un fracasado y medio pelotudo, pero su legado es su musica, su genialidad y su alma estaban en su musica.
En definitiva somos todos adolescentes, ya que en la adolescencia uno va formando su caracter, pero somos adolescentes de por vida, ya que nunca terminamos de aprender.
Curdt Co, esta es para vos un gran y groso:
TE AMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bueno, no la voy a hacer muy larga
Ya que tengo que hacer otras cosas
Voy a ir a ponerme unos discos de nirvana
Y a buscar un vinilo que yo tenia que tengo bah
Pero lo tengo que rescatar de las cajas de mi vieja
Nos vemos Curdt, y gracias por todo, de corazón.
Si no estuvieras muerto te diria ¨Yo te banco a muerte¨
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
He was nothing
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Goin Nowhere
Daddy Was Ashamed
Daddy Was Ashamed
Daddy Was Ashamed
He was something
Disgraced The Family Name
Disgraced The Family Name
Disgraced The Family Name
He was something
The thief is born before you're through
Ive Got Nothing Left To Prove
If I Die Before I Wake
Hope I Dont Come Back asleep
Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
He was nothing
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Goin Nowhere
Daddy was ashamed
Daddy was ashamed
Daddy was ashamed
He was nothing
Disgraced the family name
Disgraced the family name
Disgraced the family name
Goin nowhere
The thief is born before you're through
Ive Got Nothing Left To Prove
If I Die Before I Wake
Hope I Dont Come Back asleep
Oh, ah, yeah!
The thief is born before you're through
Ive Got Nothing Left To Prove
If I Die Before I Wake
Hope I Dont Come Back Again!!
Oh, ah, yeah!
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah

CURDT DONALD KOBAIN 20/2/1967 - xx/5/1994
Bueno, no la voy a hacer muy larga
Ya que tengo que hacer otras cosas
Voy a ir a ponerme unos discos de nirvana
Y a buscar un vinilo que yo tenia que tengo bah
Pero lo tengo que rescatar de las cajas de mi vieja
Nos vemos Curdt, y gracias por todo, de corazón.
Si no estuvieras muerto te diria ¨Yo te banco a muerte¨
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
He was nothing
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Goin Nowhere
Daddy Was Ashamed
Daddy Was Ashamed
Daddy Was Ashamed
He was something
Disgraced The Family Name
Disgraced The Family Name
Disgraced The Family Name
He was something
The thief is born before you're through
Ive Got Nothing Left To Prove
If I Die Before I Wake
Hope I Dont Come Back asleep
Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
He was nothing
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Kept his body clean
Goin Nowhere
Daddy was ashamed
Daddy was ashamed
Daddy was ashamed
He was nothing
Disgraced the family name
Disgraced the family name
Disgraced the family name
Goin nowhere
The thief is born before you're through
Ive Got Nothing Left To Prove
If I Die Before I Wake
Hope I Dont Come Back asleep
Oh, ah, yeah!
The thief is born before you're through
Ive Got Nothing Left To Prove
If I Die Before I Wake
Hope I Dont Come Back Again!!
Oh, ah, yeah!
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah

CURDT DONALD KOBAIN 20/2/1967 - xx/5/1994
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